Press release: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Out of the Darkness Walk
August 26, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: On September 26th , 2010 at Lake Merced in San Francisco at 9:00 am, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) will host an Out of the Darkness Community Walk to raise much needed funds for research and education. The Out of the Darkness Walks serve as important fundraising events for AFSP, as well as being an annual outreach event for survivors. This is an amazing event at which those who have been impacted by suicide are able to share their experiences and hope with one another and make a positive contribution to the research efforts being made into mental health issues and suicide. AFSP is a largely volunteer-driven organization with nearly 83 cents of every dollar donated going directly to research, education, and advocacy programs and towards survivor services. These programs are invaluable tools in helping people recover from the effects of mental illness and suicide loss. Suicide is a national health problem that takes an enormous toll on families, friends, co-workers, schools and the entire community. Sadly, every minute of every day, someone attempts to take their own life and every 16 minutes someone dies by suicide. We need to know more about suicide and ways to prevent it. We also need to help those left behind, the survivors of suicide loss. For more information about AFSP or to register or donate to the the Out of the Darkness Walk, please visit www.afsp.org or www.outofthedarkness.org Valerie Kovacovich (925) 804-6494 |