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        This was a lot of fun. The Volunteer Center of Napa, CA in conjunction with the Mayor, wanted to reward a local woman who performs as a clown at many non-profit events around the Napa Valley. She runs around each event with a button that reads "Official Hugger" and gives out hugs. On April Fools' Day 2010, the city held the proclamation ceremony (see photo, left).






Violet the Clown

2010 Official Hugger of the City of Napa

WHEREAS,  it has been said that a hug is the shortest distance between friends, and that

                      hugs grease the wheels of life, that they are a handshake from the heart, and   

                      that they are one size fits all; and

WHEREAS,  the very definition of a hug is “an affectionate embrace” and hugs are

                      universally equated with affection, warmth, and good intention; and

WHEREAS,  hugs have been called the “universal medicine” with ample scientific

                      evidence to suggest that they reduce stress levels and blood pressure,

                      promote good health, and foster feelings of bonding and general well being;


WHEREAS,  hugs perform all these feats with no unpleasant or adverse side effects; and

WHEREAS,  Violet the Clown is always perfectly coiffed and dressed for entertaining

                       youngsters and oldsters in her unofficial capacity as “official hugger” at

                       many community events such as Napa Project Homeless Connect, Tour De

                       Cure, Community Resources for Children’s Family Picnic, and the

                       Veterans Home; and

WHEREAS,  Violet the Clown has been active with volunteer efforts and events within

                       the community, donating time, smiles, laughter, mischief and, of course,

                       hugs (last year estimated at 4752 hugs).

THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED THAT I, JILL TECHEL, MAYOR of the City of Napa, do hereby proclaim Violet the Clown as the 2010 Official Hugger of the City of Napa and urge her to continue the spread of affection and fun throughout our community.

                       Dated: April 1,2010





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